During the first few weeks of 2013, a very close friend of mine lost his 3 month old daughter. It is normal for us to hear of someone
passing away each and every day, almost to the point that we become
desensitized to the news. However, it is
never the same when it is someone you are close to. My friend & I go back many years and both
of us have young children. My heart has
ached for him all week. There are no
words for me to tell my friend, save for “I’m sorry. I love you, and I am praying for you.” I can’t imagine his pain, and in times like
this I begin to wonder “Why Lord?” This
is a question that I do not know the answer too, but a question that we all ask
at some point in our life. And, it is in
times like this that I turn to the Bible for comfort and guidance.
Although I don’t know the “Why”, I know that God has a plan through all of this, that He loves me, and that He only has my best, for His glory, in mind. I just have to take Him at His word and walk by faith.
The same is true for players, coaches, and parents. Sometimes, even though we might be working hard, we don’t get what we think should get, or lose what we don’t think we should lose. It could be a player believing he deserves an award, a parent believing their child should play more, or maybe a coach not getting the authority he believes he should have. It is in these times that most people begin to ask the question “Why” rather than simply trusting God to take care of the details. God knows human-nature, and He knows that we are going to ask these questions, which is why I believe He gave us these wonderful verses. The Bible is our reminder that God knows what is going on and He does have a plan. God simply wants us to take Him at His word, and trust Him implicitly.
In life, we will only go backwards if we let the “Why” dominate our thoughts and actions. However, if we take God at His word, trust in His love, and walk by faith, then we will find that the mountain-top view is more than we could ever imagine.
faith, move forward, and experience the love and goodness that God wants to
bring into your life.
Coach CJ
Director – CHSM
Follow CHSM on Twitter (@chsmhouston)
Follow Coach CJ on Twitter (@CJPomeroy1)
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