Sunday, January 11, 2015

Staying Healthy

One of the greatest blindsides to a team is sickness. It sneaks up and, before you know it, you are calling your coach to let them know you won’t be at the practice or game because you came down with something. Here are some ways you should combat looming sickness during the season.

                Sleep: This is one area where most high school kids fail. Most athletes require 8-9 hours of sleep, and the best sleep is regimented - going to bed and waking up at the same time every day. It’s not always easy to do, and it won’t work all the time. BUT, all athletes should attempt to get 8-9 hours of uninhibited/scheduled sleep.

Champions - Do not stay up late before practices/games.

                FYI - Practicing while battling a sickness that is keeping you from performing at a high level is not necessarily a sign of toughness. If anything, it can be more detrimental to your team (and long-term health) if you try to push through practice while sick. Just stay home and get better (then do all the things mentioned here).

                Water: The average person should be drinking roughly 64oz of water per day. Athletes should probably consume more since they sweat more. Water helps remove bacteria from the body, and provides athletes the ability to recover more quickly after physical exertion. It also helps with cramps, spasms, and joint issues.
Champions - Stay away from unhealthy drinks - like soda.

                Wash their hands: The basketball gym, gym bags, and locker rooms are rampant with germs. I know, I might have just scared a few people, but as long as athletes wash hands on a regular basis, then they should be fine. One of the best ways to combat the flu is to wash hands on a regular basis. Players should be washing hands before games/practices, after games/practices, and any time they are handling basketballs, etc....

Champions - Understand the importance of cleanliness. 

                Use Vitamins: The bodies of athletes are constantly fighting. Whether it is germs or physical exertion - the body is constantly draining and refilling. Use of proper vitamins in a proper manner will help the body in the fight to stay healthy.

Champions - Understand the importance of living healthy.

It really is a miracle that our athletes don’t get sick on a more regular basis, and we should really thank The Lord for this. The season is half-way thru, and I want everyone to have a great finish. Let’s encourage our athletes to take care of themselves so that they can perform at a high level in the big games!

Striving for Excellence,
Coach CJ

Executive Director – C.H.S.M.

Follow CHSM on Twitter (@chsmhouston)
Follow Coach CJ on Twitter (@CJPomeroy1)

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