Sunday, February 17, 2013

The Uncertain Sound

The Bible says in 1 Corinthians 14:8, "For if the trumpet give an uncertain sound, who shall prepare himself to the battle?"  What a great question - and one that deserves our study of God's word.

The verse indicates the importance of understanding what a trumpet call sounds like and what it means when we hear it - just like our military did for so many years.  Did you know that a game does not stop because a horn goes off in the middle of play?  That's an uncertain sound.  Only a whistle stops the game - that's a rule.  Satan is always looking to distract us with uncertain sounds and the only way we can know that a sound is uncertain is to know what the correct sound actually sounds like!

Coach’s – Here is something that you can do with your team.  When you have them run a set of sprints, tell them they are to go only upon the right sound.  For instance, try a command like "whistle-whistle-go".  You then can check their responses by doing a couple of things.  Blow the whistle 3 times in a row.  Did they go?  They shouldn't have gone because that was not the right sound.  Blow the whistle once and then say go-go.  Did they move?  I hope not because that wasn't the command.  The command was a whistle-whistle-go!  You get the idea.

It’s important for our young men and young ladies to learn to listen for the right things.  They should play ball until a whistle sounds - not the horn.  They should only move when you tell them to move.  They should do as mom and dad tell them to do.  And they should do exactly what God has commanded them to do - no more and no less - knowing precisely what His voice sounds like!

Coach P
CHSM Basketball

Charlie Pomeroy is an assistant basketball coach and CHSM leadership team member.  He has over 20 years of coaching experience and is an active member at his church in Spring, TX.

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Follow Coach CJ on Twitter (@CJPomeroy1)

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